Feature Friday- Ava Rymer

Hey guys, our first real feature for Friday is one of our friends, Ava. She’s got a super cool, easy style about her. She doesn’t have a blog, so she posts her outfits on Instagram. Check her out!

Instagram: avarymer


Hey everyone!

My name’s Ava, I love to shop, because it’s pretty much one of the few things I excel in. I feel like I don’t really have a set style and like to mix it up at times.


I’m in love with the shirt I’m wearing in this photo. I got it from a little thrift tent at Bonnaroo! Such a good find. I paired it with my teal high-waisted jeggings. I love them because they are super comfy and cute! I completed this outfit with nothing other than the trusty ole combat boots I wear almost daily, and a new satchel I just recently bought.


Outfit: Necklace, Francesca’s; Shirt, Guess(thrifted); Pants, Urban Outfitters; Boots, Sears; Purse, Target

Stay forever fierce,
Ava Rymer

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