Gingham in Green


Happy Monday! Happy MLK day!

I decided to wear a rendition of a 1950’s school dress, Peter Pan collar and all. This dress was actually bought on a very sad day, because my boyfriend’s mom got me this beautiful dress from Urban Outfitters (but it had a rip in it) and when I went to take it back, they didn’t have anymore of the original dress. So I bought this one. Shorter than I expected… but I love it.


Though I am a huge fan of wearing a lot of different clothes in one outfit, I also love wearing simple things. This outfit literally involves 5 things: dress, hose, shoes, earrings, and a belt to accessorize. Super easy, super simple, super polished.



Dress, Urban Outfitters

Tights, Target

Shoes, Aldo

Belt, Francesca’s Collections

Earrings, Francesca’s Collections



Sometimes you have to remember, that when it comes to fashion, simple is the best way to go.

Con affetto xoxo,


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